DopeLiven TV Presents: FIVE MINUTES WITH...
"Five Minutes With..." is a informational series that features talented, innovative people who are breaking new ground and are on the verge of greatness. They offer you an insight into their struggles and their successes. They will also give you words of advice, stemming from their blueprint for success.
If you have a story to tell and would like to be featured on DopeLiven's "Five Minutes With..." series contact us at: [email protected]
Five minutes with J.A.G. Army Fatigue
J.A.G. talks about his journey, DopeLiven, and his new mix tape Army Fatigue
Five Minutes With Ascid
DopeLiven TV (Africa) presents Ascid. Ascid is one of South Africa's young and upcoming entrepreneurial talents! He is blazing trails as a musician, promoter and fashion designer. Aggressive, Independent and innovative. Tune in to hear his story!
Five Minutes With London
Five Minutes With Mystix
Five Minutes with Eugene German
Five minutes with La La Teenage Fashion Designer
Five Minutes with Gwendolyn Anokye
Five Minutes With Jesse JamesMidwest (1)
Five Minutes With...Michon Young
Five Minutes With....DeAndre Gholston
Five Minutes with Riya J